Upcoming Seminar: A Marketing Day for Doulas with Nurturing Birth on July 16th, 2016

outreach-marketingI suppose you’re wondering why someone without a business degree wants to get up and tell you all how to market yourselves? It’s simple really; I’ve been where you are now.  Almost 20 years ago, I made the decision to take the leap into self-employment as an Acupuncturist and Herbalist after working part time as a secretary in an estate agency.  I knew the time had come to quit when my boss walked into the room one morning, got up on a desk, and pretended to poo out unwrapped penguin bars through the hole in the bum of his trousers!

I woke up the next morning and went to work at my work fully expecting my passion for my vocation to translate into clients. As the weeks and months went on and this didn’t happen, it slowly dawned on me that business wasn’t going to fall into my lap because I wanted it so badly, and I had to figure out how to market myself in a way that was positive, made good use of my time, and led directly into results.

toolsPart of this learning was about the practicalities of connecting with people in person or through social media, and part of this was learning along the way how I was holding myself back.  Once I became a doula I realised that I could utilise this learning I had already done, and translate it into a new forum so my marketing doubled-up rather than having to market myself differently for each facet of my work.

I want to share as much of my own experience as I can during our marketing day for doulas; practical, helpful advice, suggestions, and tools, so you can go away with a huge to do list and market yourself with the best of attitudes.  I want to take time to look at everyone’s website, at their marketing materials, to talk to them about interview skills and to look into their personal challenges with money as well as spending time talking about social media and how to make sensible choices when it comes to the set-up of a business (sole trader vs limited company) and the distribution of the most important commodity we have – time.

150_Nurturing-Birth-Logo-newIf you’re interesting in coming along, then get in touch with Nurturing Birth on info@nurturingbirth.co.uk or click through to their website.

I look forward to seeing you on the day.



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